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Candy Clicker


Candy Clicker is an online clicking game where you can produce endless candies at unlimited times. Each time you click, a new candy is created.

How to play

Welcome to this new game on our Banana Game website! These two games have the same gameplay with simple clicking control.

How to control

In order to control the Candy Clicker game, you only need to click your left mouse button. When you click, new candies will be produced.

It's the easiest way to play an online game. If you are a fan of online games, you can know that many other games have complex controls. As a result, it's challenging to master controls for the first playing time. In contrast, the Candy Clicker game allows all players to play and master the control way immediately. With this control, this online game is considered one of the most suitable games to entertain after a hard day.

How to increase the number of candies

It's easy to produce a candy by clicking your left mouse button. However, in order to produce a large number of candies, it's extremely challenging. To solve this issue, our website introduces some guides for all players below.

First of all, don't forget to unlock upgrades of the Candy Clicker game. What are these upgrades used for? When you use an upgrade, your click power will increase based on the type of upgrade. For example, Candy Mine increases candy per second by 100 candies while Candy Rocket increases candy per second by 100 million candies. You can produce candies faster thanks to these upgrades.

Note that the price of each upgrade is different from 25 candies to 100B candies.

Second, buying upgrades in order also helps you increase your number of candies. Let's start with cheap upgrades and move to expensive upgrades when you can create more candies per second. An effective tip is to buy only the most expensive upgrade you can. This buying way will help you produce candies fastest.

Finally, don't miss the gold candies on the screen. Gold candies can appear any time and you need to click on them to collect. Each gold candy brings a large of candies, so it's a great way to increase your candies in 1 second.

More details

In the Candy Clicker game, players can enjoy entertaining moments with easy gameplay and controls. In addition, you can compete with the leading player who owns the largest number of candies now. This player is Poorten with 1179841.1Q. Let's click and create more candies to beat this player. Can you do that?

In addition, candy per second is the most significant information. You can follow this detail on the top to follow your productivity. Note that you can not only increase automatic click power but also manual click power. When you upgrade, each manual click also gives you more candy.